Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Silly Silly Boys


Feinauer Frenzy said...

If we letf them and Karra in a room they would destroy it in no time. I love that you tell them that you love them at the end. I would want to pull my hair out thinking about getting all that oil cleaned up. You are a great mom, and a great big sister! Love ya

Ashlee said...

I just saw that I was still signed in as you. That last one was really from Ash.

Ashlee said...

I just posted a few things on Angies blog. Go look.

Katie said...

Well, you are a better women then me. I don't know if I could have pushed my anger aside long enough to video them, let alone tell them I loved them. You are a great mom! I am so glad that we got to go to dinner the other night. It was just what I needed. Love you.

Phelps Fam said...

This is hilarious! You are a patient woman! LOVE YOU! Rob & Bre

Katie said...

I am offically requesting that you update you blog with Halloween pictures!